Thursday, December 23, 2010

2011 Will be Big for OURF

As I sit composing this blog, thoughts of the coming year come to mind. There is something in my gut that feels like 2011 will be a big year for the Orang Utan Republik Foundation. Why do I feel that? I am not sure, but I am already looking forward to another visit to Indonesia in the early part of the year.

OURF programs will pick up speed in 2011. Our Indonesian partners will be implementing a USFW grant for most of 2011. The funds have arrived and we are in the process of acquiring our first vehicle.

Does the Red Ape still need to raise funds? Absolutely. There are funding needs that were not anticipated when we wrote the proposal so we need to continue to seek supporters who can help bridge the funding gaps.

Stay tuned for some big announcements.

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