The fundraiser held in Hollywood for the Orang Utan Republik Foundation on June 25th was attended by far fewer people that I had hoped for. Nevertheless, the work that went into it by the volunteers, the enthusiasm shared by all who did attend, and the funds that we raised made the event more than worthwhile.
We live in uncertain and difficult times for many people. Unemployment is rising, and the needs for our fellow human beings make the work we do in Indonesia for the orangutans seem to many, less compelling. So for us to have the event where everyone seemed to enjoy themselves was good enough for me. I was thrilled Ed Begley Jr. attended and said some very nice and inspiring words... this after a very long and trying day for him. I was also very happy to see Tim and Hannah Perry attend from Fairfax, Virginia. Tim and I were students together some 40 years ago and Hannah, his daughter, is planning to volunteer in Sumatra next year for OURF.
It was a day marked by the passing of Farrah Fawcet and Michael much of the talk at the fundraiser was about these two celebrities. But we did have wonderful Indonesian food and drink, two delightful dances by Balinese dancer Nyoman, and an appearance by "orangutan Orly" who greeted the guests and inspired them to consider the fate of the endangered red ape.
In the end, we sold over $1,000 in silent auction items, received generous donations by attendees and others who couldn't attend, and raised approximately $4,000. My thanks to Susan Callery who chaired the event and to Rob and Peter for hosting it at their homes. So many volunteers helped out to keep the food and drinks coming. Their contribution in "sweat equity" was also very much appreciated.
It is important for people to realize it is difficult to raise funds for education programs so far away from Los Angeles. Every dollar helps. Yet the young people who implement the programs in the schools and villages very much appreciate the funds we do raise and provide. There is so much more for us to do, and we need to continue to find the funds to keep the momentum going.